

How did this site come to be? Veganism has been part of my life for 25 years now AND I have a love for film, especially the horror genre. After much thought of how I could create something fun and interesting that appeals to me and hopefully others, I came up with ‘The Vegan Zombie’. TVZ is a project in the making that will attempt to put a vegan twist in the horror genre.

We make ‘How to’ videos on vegan cooking, which is set in an apocalyptic zombie invasion. Along with his sidekick, Indy (the German Shepherd), our host, Chris, gives our audience tips and tricks on vegan cooking and staying safe from zombies. But what would happen if he were to become a zombie? Stay tuned…

This is the beginning of a unique group of vegans ready to fend off the flesh eating mainstream…

The zombie apocalypse is coming and we will be ready. Infection will originate from within the meat flesh the people zombies consume.

Vegans will be one step ahead…
