
Q & A with Jon – The Vegan Zombie


Shreds http://full.sc/KnSjcF

Contest ended on June 30 2012.

Galaxy Foods: http://www.galaxyfoods.com/

Follow The Vegan Zombie at:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/theveganzombie
Facebook:: http://facebook.com/zombiegate


The Vegan Zombie


4 thoughts on “Q & A with Jon – The Vegan Zombie

Kay says:

Ahhh!! I want to win. I had no idea that tattoo ink could be vegan or not.

Sara says:

You need a Vegan Zombie girl’s shirt in your store! (I will buy one.)

You are ridiculously good looking. It’s almost irritating.

    The Vegan Zombie says:

    We have them!
    Thanks, you are good looking too 😉

John says:

I just discovered your videos last night. I’m a 60 year old guy who is going from vegetarian to vegan. (Takes some of us a wee bit longer!) Jon, you made that pizza dough look so easy. I’ve never started with dry yeast and sugar in anything. Who knew it was so easy. Thanks, Buddy! I think I’ll start with the wacky cake first.

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