


Sussanna’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dahlialee1
Blog: http://v-luscious.blogspot.com/

Jon meets with special guest, Sussanna, and makes a raw vegan borscht and a raw vegan berry smoothie.

Berry Smoothie
16 oz young coconut water
handful frozen mangos
handful frozen peaches
2 handfuls frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries)
Blend all together

Raw Borscht
Juice carrots and beets
1 cup carrot juice
1 cup beet juice
1/4 avocado
add 1/4 of a beet
Juice of 1 lemon
Handful fresh dill
Blend together
add chopped avocado and chopped onions on top to your liking, with some dill.
Add lemon juice to top if you like.